Race For Remembrance looking Ahead

Locandina Run for Mem EN aggiornata al 9 gennaioOur motivation: for the first time in Europe, a sports race promoted by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities will provide the opportunity for a joint commemoration of the memory of the victims of the Shoah.
Sport offers the possibility of celebrating our humanity regardless of religion, creed, gender, or cultural background, and personal encounter is a precious occasion to overcome barriers and borders.
Our intention is to reaffirm the value of life that continues in spite of everything and in spite of all those that have tried to exterminate the Jews and other peoples throughout the centuries with genocides and massacres. Life goes on and the strength to survive, to live, must be passed on along with the courage to recount what happened, so that it may never happen again. And that is what we shall do involving the participation of citizenry of all ages, walking through a history-laden path. By running together we will transmit the strong message of life.
When: Sunday, January 22, in the framework of the 2017 Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations.
Meeting Time: 10.00 a.m. – Start time will be at 10.30 a.m.
Event type: there will be two races, a 10km race for athletes and a 3.6 km. race for citizen, both in the historic district.
Organizing body: Union of Italian Jewish Communities – UCEI
Technical organization: Maratona di Roma, Maccabi Italy
Patronage: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, Ambasciata di
Israele in Italia, Arma dei Carabinieri e Polizia di Stato, CONI – Comitato Olimpico
Nazionale Italiano.
In cooperation: Jewish Community of Rome
With economic support: World Jewish Congress
Media Partner: SKY
Supporting organizations: ANED – Associazione Nazionale Ex Deportati Politici, Fondazione Museo della Shoah di Roma, Agenzia Ebraica (Sochnut), Comunità S. Egidio, Unione Giovani Ebrei d’Italia, Federazione delle Associazioni Italia-Israele, Federazione Arte, Storia e Cultura Ebraica a Casale Monferrato e nel Piemonte Orientale – Onlus, Confronti, Unione Sportiva ACLI, ACLI di Roma, UIL, Associazione Levi-Montalcini, Vicina,
COREIS, Religions for Peace, Progetto Memoria.
Technical support: AME – Associazione Medica Ebraica, Dolce Kosher and ORT Italia.

Testimonials: Shaul Ladany – Holocaust survivor, Munich Olimpic Games Survivor, Franca Fiacconi – NY, Rome and Prague Marathon winner, Cristiana Capotondi Italian actress.
Press Conference: Monday, January 16
Stopovers: 1- Piazza 16 ottobre 1943 (Jewish Ghetto); 2- Piazza degli Zingari (commemorative plaque of Sinti and Roma victims); 3 – via Urbana (plaque honouring the memory of don Pietro Pappagallo); 4 – via Tasso (Museum – it once served as the headquarter of the Auβenkommando); 5 –Testaccio district, Giardini di Consiglio; 7- Piazza 16 Ottobre
Stopovers of the shorter race in the ancient district: 1- Piazza 16 ottobre (Ghetto); 2- Regina Coeli (the prison from which were deported people who had been jailed for racial or political reasons) 3 – Isola Tiberina (Fatebenefratelli Hospital, honouring the memory of Doctor Borromeo, Righteous among the Nations.)
During the stopovers in sites holding special significance for the Memory of Rome, participants will have the opportunity of reading dedicated informative panels, making commemorative gestures (lighting a candle, placing a flower…) and learning the history of the place.

Download the registration form here e send it to corsamemoria@ucei.it